Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Brawls in the streets of Birmingham.

With the ever-growing popularity of gun crime in London, Birmingham seems to be rapidly follwing suit.

Living in the city for 2 years now, I have constantly been aware of the crime in the area but never have seen violence taken to the heart of the city centre.

Within 2 hours of being in the corporation street/new street region I became witness to a street brawl outside the GAP, which over-flowed into the store itself, with members of the oublic taking refuge, then an hour later by the Bullring Shopping centre, I witnessed the continuation of the brawl.

The fighting only came to a stand-still once the authoroties arrived, on foot and bike. When you consider the fitness of half of the crime commiting community who constantly run from the law, it didn't seem very comforting to see PC-Blob turn up.

The dawning of a new week was then greeted with a stabbing of a youth outside the Matthew Boulton College, which caused traffic delays and struck fear into the public again We are not safe in our home town.

It is beleived that passers-by on buses passing the Matthew Boulton College may be key witnesses inidentifying the attacker.

Please let us know your thoughts on street crime in the area in comment form. Thankyou

Thursday, 1 March 2007

New St. Station still on track!

The plans for New Street train station are still on track.

All pervious plans to develop the dingy, dated station have fallen through by this period, but due to ongoing campaigns from Birmingham government and recent developments in the city, the station may finally get its much needed renovation.

The £500 million plan to develop a station worthy of a major city has received positive backing from local businesses and government. The cost of such a spectacle of a station is not major when you consider the other recent developments in Birmingham:

The Mailbox Shopping Centre £150 million
Martineau Place complex £300 million
TheBullring Shopping Centre £500million

The station will be the beginning of a major development scheme in the Digbeth area of the city, which needs a much needed, but considerate renovation. The Digbeth area has some tremendous architecture, which Birmingham government has acknowledged and has stated that “any renovation/redevelopment will be done-so with the up-most care to make use of the current architecture”.

The only negative response to the developments ahs been towards the time period it has taken to receive backing from the Whitehall, so much so that Birmingham council officers has stated to say that Birmingham should be able to fund the development through local taxes. The proposed completion of the redevelopment is to be 2010.

Council's Press-Release

Power-Cut Back-UP

A power cable in Birmingham city centre has blown earlier today.

The blown cable has caused enormous delays in traffic in the city centre, especially in the Great Charles St and Broad St area.

Cars and Buses are said to be queuing up to 50 minutes to get into the city.

Workmen from Central Networks are currently still repairing the damaged cable, on the Newhall Junction.

The Damage to the cable was apparently discovered yesterday early in the afternoon. Local Businesses had to run their power off of a back-up source.

The bus services are requesting for people to be patient and allocate time for the delays in your journey.
